Current and Creative Christmas Tree
It is very easy to update your Christmas tree this year without having to toss out every thing you have collected over time. A few simple tips will make your tired tree fresh and new, as well as interesting and beautiful once again.

Focus on color, texture and adding dimension to your tree. To create this look you may have to edit and add to only a few of your existing ornaments. For a new COLOR scheme, try using only one or two colors together - a combination of red and white, or champagne and copper or turquoise and silver for example. Think about using only your largest ornaments and then mix in TEXTURE. Smooth, shiny ornaments mixed with matte or glittered finishes. Also, layering textured mesh fabric or ribbon or bulap wrapped within the tree creates more depth. The most fun and current three DIMENSION effect to add are picks. Select only two or three styles of picks to use and then get 7-9 of each one to make your tree full. Choices are endless from gittered or natural sticks to snowy evergreen branches to large glittered leaves or large pinecones. Stick them in the tree projecting out and downward or make a topper extending upward toward the ceiling. Mixing natural items along with the glitz is also a new trend. Yes, burlap and glitter do look good together at Christmas! Carry these same ideas into other areas of the house that you decorate such as the mantle or front door to form a unified continuity in your décor and make more of an impact. Use the same colors and some of the same materials throughout. Make sure you fill your tree full, and most of all, have fun creating a new and current Christmas! Happy Holidays!